Filtration technology has become an accepted and widely used technology within the global dairy and desalination industries. Reverse Osmosis (RO) has been the filtration medium of choice, as it has the ability to retain all liquid solids and particulates in its concentrate stream, while the filtrate (water or permeate) is of a very high quality, and depending on the specific plant configuration utilised, it can be considered ‘ultra-pure’.
In product concentration applications, the concentrate or ‘retentate’ is retained and the water is disposed of as surplus; while for desalination and water purification the retentate is disposed of and permeate is retained.
The Mobile Concentration System (MCS) by Pacific Process is the next step in product concentration and water purifying technology. Offering extensive potential cost savings in product collection costs and reduced processing plant capital expenditure. The system also offers an easy to use mobile water purifying platform in applications requiring a fast entry and exit.
The MCS is easy to use, can be fitted to most truck configurations, and is made possible in part by innovative construction and its ability to operate without requiring truck power.
Pacific Process can readily evaluate your product collection and desalination requirements, model your current collection operation and apply the MCS technology to demonstrate what the cost savings can mean to you.
Current dairy milk concentration facilities are land-based ‘satellite’ type transfer stations where milk is collected off farm and transported to the milk station; as opposed to long-distance travel directly to the processing plant. At the satellite station the milk is concentrated to half its original volume, with permeate either collected for use in the station, or dumped to effluent. The concentrate is then loaded onto long haul tankers and delivered to the processing plant.
MCS technology allows for the RO plant to be installed onto the milk collection tanker, where the milk, uploaded from the farm, is concentrated as the tanker completes its collection round. The concentrate can either be transferred directly to the long haul shuttle tanker, or taken directly back to the processing plant by the MCS tanker unit.
The MCS system is designed to match the collection rate of a milk tanker within the catchment area. If we collect milk at an average rate of 20Kl/hr, then our system needs to filter water at a rate of 10Kl/hr. This allows the milk load to be halved, enabling the tanker to then collect twice the original volume.
This means:
- MCS technology can be matched to milk collection requirements
- Pure water is left at the farms for the farmer’s use, or used for MCS cleaning
- Reduced milk volume at the processing plant reduces plant costs.
MCS can concentrate most liquid food products and is not limited to the dairy industry. Other products that can be concentrated include, but are not limited to:
- Goat’s milk
- Soy milk
- Juice
- Wine
- Barley water
- Sugar products.
The desalination process is most widely known in the form of large scale facilities located in parts of the world where flowing or ground water is scarce. The plants are large and produce many tens of thousands of cubic meters per hour of drinking water.
MCS now makes the desalination process completely mobile, by the fitting of an RO plant directly to the truck or military vehicle, it allows for the production of pure water as the vehicle is in motion.
This means:
- MCS is fully mobile when used in the fast changing environments associated with disaster relief or on the battlefield
- Vehicles are not required to remain at the water supply for extended periods
- Fresh water can be manufactured while on the move.
The MCS system design can be scaled to suit either a large scale ‘base camp’ style operation where large volumes of water are required, or scaled down to suit a smaller mobile ‘on patrol’ style operation.
Our innovations have included the installation of a desalination plant onto a mobile platform such as an articulated trailer, or a container, or a trailer-type unit. These designs allow for:
- The parking of a mobile desalination system
- Connection to local power, or power run by an on board mobile truck
- The acceptance of a feed stream (sea or river water)
- The filtering and depositing of the pure water into another receptacle.
This technology is already in widespread use around the world by humanitarian and military organisations.